Badge and Workshop Activities

    Service Excellence
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit extra. Think about what type of guest service provider you want to be. Will you create positive and lasting memories in your guest interactions? This workshop will show you how to deliver exemplary guest service in the workplace.

You earned this badge on 6/5/24.
    Smart Goals
The SMART Goals badge is all about learning how to create goals for your career and life that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely. In the badge activity you will be asked to create an achievable Smart Goals Set that will provide the guidance, motivation and direction needed to keep your balloon launch on track.
You earned this badge on 5/1/24.
    Resume & Cover Letter
Resumes and cover letters showcase your personal and professional strengths and skill sets. In this workshop, you will begin to paint a picture of yourself in words via your career objectives, acquired skills, education, and life experiences. The Resume & Cover Letter badge activity will give you the opportunity to practice creating your own unique resume and cover letter.

You earned this badge on 6/27/24.
    Interview Skills
The Personal Interview badge will help strengthen the interview skills necessary for making that all important successful first impression. In the workshop, you will learn successful interviewing tips and what kinds of questions you can expect during a personal interview. The Activity will allow you to put the tips to practical use as you get ready to become a fully launched Soft Skills PRO!

You earned this badge on 6/24/24.