
Welcome to Career PREP!

Located just down the virtual hall from our Career and Life Essentials classroom, Career PREP is available to all students upon successful completion of the CLE course. Whether you're preparing to head off to college or choosing to leap right into the workforce, Career PREP is the perfect confidence building next step to ensuring a successful and happy career and life.

It's said that if you do what makes you happy, you will never work a day in your life. Career PREP can help you discover your passion - what makes you happy - and give you a competitive advantage both in the academic and workplace environments.

Designed to help you put the 10 soft skills you learned in your Career & Life Essential course to work for you, Career PREP combines engaging practical workshops and activities that will help you create a Career PREP Portfolio that you can take along with you when you graduate.

Career Badges = Career Ready

Your Career PREP Portfolio will be a summary of the skills, strengths, and abilities you have mastered in this course through a variety of fun workshops and corresponding activities. These activities will develop and showcase your soft skills set to college admissions counselors and employers. Upon completion of each workshop and its corresponding activity, you will earn a Career PREP Badge to add to your Career PREP Portfolio.

Whichever path you choose, college tomorrow or workforce today, Career PREP will help you put into practice every essential career and life lesson you've learned thus far at Soft Skills High, pushing the virtual classroom envelope to prepare you for a successful future.

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